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How to Start a Blogging Business in India: A Beginner’s Guide

So you want to start your own blogging business in India? To help get you started, we have put together this beginner’s guide. 

It includes everything from how to set up your blog to what kind of topics should be discussed on the blog. 

This is a great resource for anyone looking to enter into the world of blogging in India.

So without further ado, let’s get started!

To start a blogging business, you first need a blog.

How to start a blog in India

Here are steps you can take now to create a blog;

1). Pick a blogging niche

What are you interested in? 

What will your blog be about?

This is important because it will help determine what type of content goes on the site, how often it gets updated, who your target audience is, and where to find them. 

You can’t expect success if you have a poorly done niche! 

2). Pick a blogging business name

It is time for branding! 

Make sure that your brand represents both yourself and what you are trying to achieve with the blog. 

If possible, I would also recommend doing research to ensure that your brand name hasn’t already been used.

Because this name is what will end up being your domain name.

Get creative! This is the best part of starting a blog in India – you can do it all yourself or outsource if need be. 

Optional: Create an awesome logo for your new business today with free tools like Canva’s free stock photos and graphics. 

3). Get Hosting 

Once you have nailed the niche and name of your blog, the next step is to get it online.

And to do that, you will need hosting space.

Lucky for you, we have exactly what you are looking for.

We recommend you get our hosting packages. Ours is a great service at an affordable price. 

It takes only a few minutes to set up your hosting account and start blogging!

Truehost offers three different packages, check out our plans here.

If you need help setting this up or have questions about how it all works, contact me for free coaching! 

Or if you are ready to take the plunge on your own, sign up for Truehost today.  

The next step is to install WordPress.


It is free and used by millions of other bloggers here in India.

4). Design your blog with free tools

Once your blog is set up with hosting, let’s dive into some of the more technical aspects like themes and plugins. 

This part isn’t as important now but will become relevant once traffic starts coming in from within your site itself so we cover that first before continuing onto the really fun stuff.


A theme is a pre-made design that you can install onto your WordPress blog. 

There are free and paid themes out there so it is up to you which one works best for you.

We would recommend choosing the free ones first. And when your blogging business in India picks up, you can upgrade to a paid one.  


Think of plugins as additional features on your site such as social media links, SEO tools or contact forms, etc. 

These too come in both free and premium varieties with the added benefit of having access to support if need be.

We will provide some specific recommendations later but here is a short list just to get started: 

5). Start publishing articles

Now let us talk about topics. You want to create content that will be useful for your readers, so think of things they might search for in Google related specifically to the niche you have chosen!

You can write these yourself or hire writers to do it for you. It is entirely up to you.

But if this is your first time ever blogging I would recommend starting out on your own and then hiring help as needed.

What should you publish in your blog in India?

So now let us talk about what type of content goes inside your blog posts. 

You can use this as an opportunity to be creative or just go straight into the facts – either way is fine! 

The best way to get started is to try out a few different styles and see what works for you! 

Write about something you know so it comes across as more genuine, include photos or videos if relevant, ask questions within the post itself (like this one), and remember – people visit blogs because they want information.

You can also link out to other sites throughout your content which will help with SEO rankings but only do this after you have established yourself further down the line. 

For now though just focus on creating great blog posts!

All of these strategies combined are going to make up your blogging business in India from here on out, depending on how much time/money you decide to put into it. 

Without traffic though it won’t do much so focus on getting that first before you worry about anything else!

Again, remember that if people want information they will visit your blog instead of someone else’s which means less competition for you over time because everyone knows not all blogs contain useful content.

You will need traffic coming from Google though so keep that in mind as well.

That is where SEO comes in.

6). Monetize your blog

This is now where your turn your craft into a blogging business in India.

Blogging in India is a great way to share information and connect with others online but it is also an opportunity to make money – through revenue sharing or affiliate commissions.  (Don’t worry if this doesn’t make sense yet – we’ll go over how exactly these work later on!)

Affiliate marketing explained

Affiliate marketing works by recommending products within posts using special links provided by the company itself which gives you credit when someone actually buys something from that link. 

The more people click through your site then purchase items, the greater your commission can potentially be! 

You do need traffic before anything else though so keep that in mind.

Revenue sharing explained

Revenue sharing works by having a site with products for sale where you take a small percentage of each purchase but don’t have to do any extra work yourself besides setting it up.

Sounds pretty good right? 

Here are some great options: 

How to turn your blog into a business in India

This section ties to the previous part of monetizing your blog in India.

See, if you have a blog, you want it to be more than just a hobby.

In order for your site to become successful and actually turn into a business then you need traffic that will convert you into loyal readers or customers. 

For this reason, many bloggers in India chose Google AdSense as their monetization method instead of affiliate marketing because they can get paid when people click on the ads displayed in between posts. 

Creating content is great but without knowing how to drive visitors back to your site through SEO tricks, blogging strategies, and social media promotion, success won’t happen fast enough if at all. 

So, as you have guessed already, to get a successful blogging business in India, you need two things;

  1. Consistent traffic
  2. Ways to convert that traffic into money

Figure the two out and you are on your way to creating a blogging empire.

Frequently Asked Questions About Blogging Business in India

How to start a blogging business in India

There are several ways you can make money from a blog, but some methods work better than others. Here is a list of some great ideas for making money with your new blogging business in India.

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Sponsored content
  • Selling services
  • courses

What should I write about on my blog?

This may seem like an obvious question at first glance, but there is actually more to it than meets the eye. What kind of topics will bring in traffic and result in sales? You need to publish content that resonates well with your audience. 

This means that you need to start by understanding who your audience is, looking at the challenges they are going through, and providing solutions through your content.

Best time to publish posts 

When scheduling posts throughout the week, most people have their own preferences as far as when they publish their blogs. But what time of day is best?

For maximum traffic, the best time to publish a post is on Monday in the late morning around 11 am. 

The weekend is over and people are looking for something interesting midway through work. 

If you are aiming for comments, though, research suggests that Saturday morning is the best time.

Can I start a blog for free in India? 

When starting your own business, you want to keep costs low if possible so that more money can be made. So why pay when it is not necessary! 

There are many companies out there offering zero-cost blogging platforms today which include;


What kind of hosting plan do I need for my new blog?

Once you have decided on where to host your blog and how much traffic it will get (which we covered earlier), then let’s talk about picking the right type of web hosting plan. Here are our on how to choose between shared, VPS, or dedicated hosting plans.

  • Shared hosting is recommended for the absolute beginners with websites receiving less traffic.
  • VPS is recommended for online stores and websites with huge traffic
  • Dedicated hosting is for big organizations, sites with huge traffic, and those who’d wish to run custom OS.

Do I need a business plan for my blog?

If you want your blogging business in India to succeed and grow over time, then it is vitally important that you have some sort of written document on how the company will run from day one. 

What makes good content for blogs?

There are many types of websites and businesses out there these days but not all of them are successful at getting traffic. Why does this happen? One reason might be because they do not know how to create high-quality content that people actually care about reading!

The best content comes in when it provides value to the reader!

How often should I publish blog posts? 

One of the most important factors for blogging success in India is how many blogs are published on a weekly basis. 

The more you post, the higher chance there is of people finding your site and returning in the future. But publishing too much can lead to burnout, so it’s best to find a balance between quantity and quality here! 

How often should I post on social media? 

Social Media is very important these days as more people than ever before are using it to find news and information they care about online. 

But posting too little can lead some potential customers/clients to feel ignored while posting too frequently can annoy them! 

As such, find a balance on what resonates well with your audience.

Wrapping up blogging business in India

That about covers the basics! We will be covering more advanced topics like SEO & marketing in future blog posts so stay tuned and make sure to subscribe! Have any questions? Feel free to leave them below – we read every single one 🙂 Cheers!


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