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15 Types of Online Businesses in India (And How To Start)

We’ve put together a comprehensive list of the 15 most popular types of businesses in India you can start.

And that’s not all.

You will find helpful tips and resources on getting your business up and running. 

So, whether you’re looking to start a digital store, provide online services, or start a blog, this guide has everything you need to get your business off the ground. 

To make it easier for you to find what’s right for your style, I will tell you what the business is about and how to start immediately.

Let’s get started!

1: E-commerce

According to recent reports, India has the third-largest online shopper base globally, with 180-190 million shoppers in 2021. 

Besides that, the shopper base in India is climbing rapidly and will likely overtake the US in the next 1-2 years.

If there’s the best online business to start right now in India, it is an eCommerce business.

In itself, eCommerce (electronic commerce) refers to buying and selling goods and services over the internet. 

As such, an eCommerce business is a company that conducts its transactions online in India, typically through a website or app that allows customers to browse and purchase products. 

Such businesses can be B2C (business-to-consumer), meaning they sell products directly to consumers, or B2B (business-to-business), meaning they sell products to other businesses.

Here are steps to start an online store in India:

  • Identify your niche: Determine what products or services you want to sell and who your target audience is.
  • Research your competition: Look at what other businesses in your niche are doing and see how you can differentiate your business from them.
  • Choose a business model: Consider whether you want to sell your own products or become an affiliate for someone else’s products.
  • Set up a website: Choose a domain name and create a website using a website builder or hiring a developer.
  • Choose a payment processor: Decide on a payment gateway that will allow you to process transactions securely.
  • Set up a shopping cart: Choose an eCommerce platform that will allow you to manage your products and orders.
  • Promote your business: Develop a marketing plan to reach your target audience and drive sales.

Related: 4 Easy Steps To Start Online eCommerce Business In India

2: Online Tutoring Business in India

Online tutoring is a service that provides students with the assistance they need to succeed in their studies. 

Tutors use various tools, such as video conferencing, messaging, and live whiteboards, to provide personalized help to students. 

Additionally, tutors can create individualized lesson plans and assignments to help students develop their skills. 

Follow these simple steps to start an online tutoring business in India. 

  • Get Certified: Before you can start tutoring, you must get certified. Depending on your area of expertise, you may need to obtain a certification or license. Once you have the necessary qualifications, you can begin teaching.
  • Set Your Rates: To make money, you’ll need to set your rates. Consider the time spent on each session and factor in any additional costs before setting your rates. Make sure they’re competitive yet still competitive enough to draw customers.
  • Choose a Platform: Several platforms are available for hosting online tutoring sessions. Before settling on one, research the features offered and ensure it’s right for your needs.
  • Promote Your Services: Once you’re ready to start tutoring, you’ll need to promote your services. Use social media and blogging to reach potential clients, and consider creating a website for your online tutoring business.
  • Provide Quality Services: Quality is key to running a successful online tutoring business

3: Flipping Domains

Essentially, it’s the process of buying and selling domain names for a profit in India. 

It is a great way to make money online in India, as you don’t need any prior knowledge or technical experience. 

All you need is an understanding of the value of a domain name and the ability to find and purchase ones with high resale potential.

If you’re interested in getting started with domain flipping in India, here are the steps you need to take:

  • Research the market: The first step is to research the domain market. Find out which types of domain names are in demand and what they typically sell for. You can use websites like GoDaddy and NameCheap to find information on domain prices and availability.
  • Choose a domain name: Once you’ve done your research, you can start looking for a domain name that you think has a good chance of selling for a profit. Look for short, catchy ones with some growth potential. Go here to register domains cheaply in India.
  • Register the domain: Once you’ve found the perfect domain name, you’ll need to register it with a domain registrar. This can usually be done for around ₹99 to ₹2200.
  • Develop the domain: To increase your domain’s value, you may want to develop it by adding content and building up an audience. This can be done with a blog, website, or even social media.
  • Sell the domain: Finally, when your domain is ready to sell, you’ll need to list it on a domain marketplace. You can then wait for someone to purchase it.

4: Digital Marketing Business in India

A Digital Marketing specialist is skilled in creating, managing, and analyzing digital marketing campaigns. 

They are responsible for creating strategies to effectively promote products, services, and brands.

Working in the digital marketing industry in India can be an exciting and rewarding career. 

You get to be creative and innovative and work in a fast-paced environment. 

Not to mention working with various clients, from small businesses to large corporations.

So, if you’re interested in becoming a digital marketer in India, here are some steps you can take to get started:

  • Get educated. If you want to become a digital marketing specialist in India, you need to have a good understanding of the digital marketing landscape. Take the time to learn about online marketing, search engine optimization, social media marketing, and other related topics.
  • Get certified. A Digital Marketing certification in India can help you stand out from the competition and prove your skills. Consider becoming certified by a recognized institution, such as the Digital Marketing Institute or the International Association of Digital Marketers.
  • Build your portfolio. As a digital marketer, you need to demonstrate your capabilities and show potential clients the results of your work. Develop a portfolio of projects you’ve worked on and the results you’ve achieved.
  • Network. Building relationships with industry experts and peers is an important part of being a digital marketer. Get involved in digital marketing and related events, join professional groups, and attend industry conferences to network and build relationships.
  • Get creative. Digital marketing is about being creative and innovative to create campaigns that capture people’s attention. Take the time to develop creative strategies and ideas to help you stand out from the competition.

Related: 7 Easy Steps To Start A Digital Marketing Business In India

5: Graphic Design

In its most basic form, graphic design is creating visuals that communicate a certain message. 

It can be anything from a logo to a poster to a website – all created to convey something to the viewer. 

Graphic design is a powerful way to communicate ideas visually, which can be extremely helpful in marketing in India.

If you have these skills, you can make money online in India working as a graphic designer.

Here are the steps to follow:

  • Define your services and target market: Determine what specific graphic design services you want to offer and who your target market is.
  • Develop a portfolio: Create a portfolio of your work to showcase your skills and demonstrate your style and aesthetic.
  • Set up a website: Create a professional website to showcase your portfolio and provide information about your services.
  • Determine your pricing: Research the going rates for graphic design services in your area and set your prices accordingly.
  • Market your business: Develop a marketing plan to reach your target audience and promote your services. This may include social media marketing, networking, and advertising.
  • Build relationships with clients: Focus on providing excellent customer service and building relationships with your clients to encourage repeat business.
  • Continuously improve your skills: Stay up to date on the latest design trends and technologies and continually work to improve your skills and portfolio.

6: Web Development

If you are familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL… this is the type of online business you can start in India.

There’s nothing much. It involves a variety of technologies and processes, including programming languages, web frameworks, databases, content management systems, and more. 

Web development businesses in India focus on building, customizing, and managing websites for clients. To start such an online business in India, follow these steps:

  • Define your services and target market: Determine what specific web development services you want to offer and who your target market is.
  • Build your skills: Develop your skills in web development technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Consider getting a degree in computer science or taking online courses to further your knowledge.
  • Create a portfolio: Develop a portfolio of your work to showcase your skills and demonstrate your style and aesthetic.
  • Set up a website: Create a professional website to showcase your portfolio and provide information about your services.
  • Determine your pricing: Research the going rates for web development services in your area and set your prices accordingly.
  • Market your business: Develop a marketing plan to reach your target audience and promote your services. This may include social media marketing, networking, and advertising.
  • Build relationships with clients: Focus on providing excellent customer service and building relationships with your clients to encourage repeat business.

7: Online Consultancy Services

This is another type of untapped online business in India.

Online consultants in India are an invaluable resource for any business, big or small. 

They provide advice, guidance, and direction to help you get your online business off the ground and running smoothly. 

Your job is to help entrepreneurs create a successful online presence, from creating a website to optimizing it for search engines, setting up social media accounts and managing them, to creating a content strategy that drives traffic and sales. 

You also provide advice on digital marketing strategies, marketing automation, and analytics.

To start an online consulting business in India, follow these steps:

  • Identify your niche: Before you can start your business in India, you need to decide on a specific niche that you want to specialize. This will help you focus on providing your clients with the best possible services and solutions.
  • Research the market: Once you have identified your niche, it’s important to research the market to ensure there’s a demand for the services you offer.
  • Create a business plan: A business plan is essential for any successful business. Make sure to include a mission statement, a business model, and a marketing plan.
  • Set up your website: This is where you’ll showcase your services, so make sure to make it look professional and user-friendly.
  • Build your client base: This can be done through networking, creating content, and leveraging social media.
  • Start offering your services: You can start off by offering a free consultation or a trial to give your clients a taste of what you offer.
  • Track your progress: Make sure to track your progress and adjust your strategies accordingly.

8: App Development

At its core, app development involves creating software applications for mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and wearables. 

Apps are built to help users achieve their goals and make their lives easier. 

They are designed to be engaging and user-friendly, so they must be carefully crafted to meet specific user needs and preferences.

App developers in India use computer programming languages such as Java, HTML, and C++ to create the code that powers an app. 

They also use design tools and other software to create an attractive, easy-to-use interface. 

If you’re interested in getting into the app development business in India, here are the steps you should take:

  • Choose a platform: Decide which platform your app will be available on. The most popular choices are Android and iOS, but there are also other options, such as Windows and Blackberry.
  • Design your app: Once you’ve chosen a platform, design the app. This includes creating an intuitive user interface and coming up with the features and functions the app will have.
  • Develop the code: This is the part where you’ll actually start writing the code for your app. You need a good understanding of programming languages to do this.
  • Test your app: Before releasing it to the public, ensure it works properly by testing it thoroughly.
  • Launch your app: Once it is ready, launch it on the app store. You may need to market your app to get people to download it.

From here, you can monetize the app through ads or sell it.

9: Content Creation Business in India

This is another profitable type of online business in India. 

As a content creator, you create content to engage an audience, whether it is through written materials like blog posts, videos, or podcasts or through visual media like images and graphics. 

Content creation is all about connecting with an audience and providing them with valuable information and resources.

To get into this online business in India, follow these steps:

  • Decide what type of content you want to create. Will you focus on writing blog posts? Or would you prefer to create videos or podcasts? Once you’ve decided what content you want to create, you’ll need to choose a platform to host it.
  • Create a website or blog to showcase your content. This will help you reach a larger audience and help you establish yourself as an expert in your field. You’ll also need to create a portfolio of your work, which will help you land jobs and clients.
  • Find free or low-cost content creation tools to help you get started. As your business grows, you may want to invest in more advanced tools and software to help you create better content faster.
  • Finally, start hunting for clients. You can reach out to local businesses with websites and offer to handle their articles at a fee. Alternatively, join freelance marketplaces like Upwork and start submitting proposals.

10: Social Media Marketing

What exactly do social media marketers do?

Well, they are the people behind all of those clever and creative posts, tweets, and videos we see on social media daily. 

They create content that engages and entertains their audiences and drives traffic to their client’s page or website.

It’s a great career path for those with an eye for creativity, a knack for understanding people, and a good grasp of technology. 

If this sounds like you, then read on to find out how you can start a career as a social media marketer!

  • The first step to becoming a social media marketer in India is to get some experience. You can do this by taking up internships, joining social media marketing teams, or even freelancing. This will allow you to develop your skills further and make connections within the industry
  • Next, is to build a portfolio. This is the best way to demonstrate your skills, show off your style, and stand out. Try to create creative, unique, and relevant content for the audiences your clients are targeting.
  • You should also take some time to brush up on your knowledge and stay updated with the latest trends and techniques in social media marketing. This could mean reading blogs, taking courses, or attending seminars.
  • Once you feel confident in your skills, it is time to start looking for clients. Reach out to local businesses, start-ups, and non-profits and offer your services. You can also join social media marketing networks and platforms like Fiverr and Upwork to find jobs.

11: Affiliate Marketing Business in India

At its core, affiliate marketing in India involves:

  • Finding products and services to promote
  • Setting up affiliate links and then
  • Driving traffic to those links. 

I know, this may sound not very easy ?, but it’s easier than you think!

You can choose a range of products and services to promote as an affiliate marketer. This can include physical products, digital products, and even services. 

You can also choose to promote various companies, allowing you to diversify your income. The best way to find these products or services is to join affiliate programs in India (see ours here.).

Once you’ve chosen your products and services, you’ll need to set up affiliate links. 

This involves obtaining a unique tracking code from the affiliate program, you’re working with and adding it to your links. This is how you’ll track your sales and be paid for them.

Finally, you need to drive traffic to your affiliate links. 

This can involve advertising on social media, blogging, or using SEO techniques to rank your links higher in search engine results.

Related: How To Start Affiliate Marketing In India: Step by Step

12: Online Course Creation

You must have heard about Udemy.

This is the #1 online course platform in the world. Inside, you can find any course imaginable being offered at affordable prices. 

Say I want to learn how to develop an android app, I can find cheap courses on Udemy.

OTcXsmNi7VWi4xYeIwJFwZxAdjTG0kcpM9y6YeDHW leu6tWT LJYEvrklp84PxfFdt3HYj7xuStz7XiVGi6AeoOUQwVRNINHvSlij8OzUbAl7VUI9Pzn09KUMIBtqSj FniCh cQAMlIAXHrQyflR6vyHIS2Rmu5zfWUwTJQA4zl5shkyw5ggrG4wM yQ

As you can see, there’s one going for $19.99.

Based on the reviews and students, the owner has made over $500K doing this!

Of course, he (or she?) doesn’t pocket all of it, the platform gets a cut, but you get the picture.

You can make money creating and selling courses online in India.


  • Identify your niche: Before creating your online course, it is crucial to identify it. What topics are you most knowledgeable about, and what could you offer to people in terms of expertise? It’s important to have a clear idea of what your course will be about so you can create the right content. Get it wrong, and no one will buy?.
  • Create your course outline: Once you’ve identified your niche and topic, create an outline of the course and decide how you’ll structure it. Think about the topics you’ll cover, how you’ll present the information, and how long the course will be.
  • Create your content: Once you’ve sorted your outline and structure, start creating your content. You can create your videos, text, audio, or a combination of all three. Depending on the topic, you might need further research and reading to ensure you provide the best information to your students.
  • Promote your course: Once you’ve created your content and have it ready, start promoting it. You can list it on various online course sites, create a website, write blog posts and guest posts, or use other marketing techniques to get the word out about your course.
  • Set up a system: You need a system for delivering your course and taking payments. Research various course delivery platforms and decide which is best suited for you.  Also, set up your payment system to get paid for your courses.

13: Blogging

This list of types of online businesses in India is incomplete without talking about blogging.

We’ve talked about how you can make money as a content creator. While working for someone else, you can set up a blog and make money in the process.

Here are the exact steps I used to create my blog:

  • Choose your niche: A blog should focus on a specific topic to attract an audience. Choose a niche you’re passionate about or know a lot about.
  • Research and determine your target audience: Understanding your target audience before blogging is important. Research your niche to understand the audience and identify the best way to reach them.
  • Set up your blog: You can use free blog hosting services like WordPress and Blogger or purchase your domain and hosting.
  • Write great content that resonates with your audience: Quality content is key to drawing in readers and keeping them coming back. Put together a content plan and stick to it.
  • Promote your blog: There are several ways to promote your blog in India, such as through social media, search engine optimization, guest blogging, and press releases.
  • Monetize your blog: Once you’ve built an audience, you can start to monetize your blog in India. There are various ways to make money from your blog, such as through ads, sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, selling products, and offering services (like article writing.).

14: Transcription

As a transcriptionist, you listen to audio recordings and type out what they hear. This could be anything from medical dictations, interviews, podcasts, lectures, etc. 

Transcriptionists also edit and proofread their work to ensure accuracy.

Here are the steps you’ll need to take:

  • Get the right equipment. You’ll need a reliable computer, a good headset, and quality transcription software.
  • Build a portfolio. This will help you stand out from other transcriptionists and make it easier for clients to find you.
  • Research transcription companies. There are plenty of companies out there that hire transcriptionists. Research different companies and decide which ones you want to work for.
  • Apply for jobs. Once you’ve identified the companies, you want to work for, apply for available jobs and start building your client base.
  • Practice and hone your skills. As with any profession, practice makes perfect. Keep honing your transcription skills, and you’ll be well on your way to success.

15: Selling AI chatbots in India

A chatbot is a computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users, especially over the Internet. 

Chatbots are often used in customer service, marketing, and other areas where interacting with customers or clients is a key part of the job.

And if you know how to design one, this is a type of online business you can start right now in India.

  • Understand the client’s needs: Before you start pitching AI chatbot services to clients, it’s important to understand their needs. Ask questions about their business, their customers, and their goals. This will help you to create a custom solution for them.
  • Explain the benefits: Explain to the client the benefits that AI chatbot services can bring to their business, such as improved customer service, cost savings, and increased customer engagement.
  • Demonstrate your expertise: Show the client you have the necessary skills and experience to create a successful AI chatbot. Share examples of chatbot projects you have completed and provide evidence of your experience with AI.
  • Offer a free trial: Offer prospective clients a free trial of your AI chatbot services to demonstrate the effectiveness of your solution.
  • Invest in good marketing: Use a good marketing strategy to promote your AI chatbot services. Create a website, advertise on social media, and reach out to potential clients.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, starting an online business in India can be a great way to tap into the immense potential of the rapidly growing markets. 

With 15 different types of businesses, you can find plenty of options to suit any style and budget. 

I mean, from e-commerce and online services to blogs and digital stores. Surely, you can find the right business to start that can be profitable and rewarding. 

And with the right resources and knowledge, you can start an online business in India and become successful in no time.

Related: How To Start An Online Business In India With No Money


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